Sunday of the Prodigal Son
Saturday 11 March 2023
"Am I Content?" - Fr Sam Wehbe
In the parable of the prodigal son, the two sons had a similar problem:
The younger son was not satisfied with his life and was discontent with his father, brother and himself. All his thoughts were about money and property. So he asked for his share and moved away to live in sin. After he lost everything, his eyes were opened and his wished to be where he originally was with his family: Content, loved and happy.
The older son was also not satisfied with his life and was discontent. His mind was focused on material things. This created hatred in his heart for his brother. He therefore rejected his father and brother and refused to forgive and be united with the family.
The father was the image of God, the loving and giving creator, content with His creation, waiting, forgiving, being humble and meek.
The parable teaches us that discontentment and focus on material things are the causes of sin, hatred, pride and rejection. However, contentment and the focus on God and on what He wants are the causes of joy, love, peace, humility and sanctity.
Lord, grant us the contentment and the focus to listen to You and living according to Your Will. Amen.
Cana Sunday: Entrance into the Great Lent
Saturday 18 February 2023
Fill the jars with water? - Fr Sam Wehbe
On this Sunday of the Entrance into the Great Lent, Cana Sunday, the Lord Jesus is calling me:
Firstly, to do as the servants did in the gospel, to put my jars into the hands of Jesus, which are my body, my mouth, my eyes, my ears, my heart, my mind, my family, my church, my work...that at times contain bad words and thoughts, desires, hatred, problems. Then, Jesus will transform and change them and fill our jars with His spirit, His love, His joy, His peace.and His forgiveness. For this to happen, I'm called to invite Jesus and Mary into my life and renew my relationship with them, then Jesus will resolve my problems through the intercession of Mary as it happened in the wedding of Cana in Galilee.
Secondly, to "do a full spiritual service" by living the fasting and prayer, to do charitable works and to repent, just as I do a full service to my car, so my journey of my life can continue on the right track without stopping or accidents.
Lord help me to pray and to do charitable works and penance. Lord, bless our Lenten journey this year and accompany us so that we may become holy and love you and love each other more. Amen.
Genealogy of Jesus
Saturday 17 December 2022
The Genealogy Gospel wants to tell us that Jesus is God and man. He has 2 natures and 2 families: Divine and human. He is the Son of God, son of the promise to Abraham, and son and Lord of faith and hope. This God left His throne in heaven, came down to us, and through the power of the Holy Spirit he took flesh from Mary and became like us in all things except sin. Jesus came down to save us from the penalty of original sin and from Satan on one hand, and to admit us to the divine family on the other. Through the birth of Jesus, God gave us the opportunity to enter the world of love, peace, humility, holiness and perfection. This is the meaning of the 3 fourteens in the gospel, which is 6 sevens, and after, starts the 7th seven which is the full perfection in the Bible. My dear brothers and sisters, the genealogy of Jesus continues today to embraces each one of us so that we become part of His family tree. God invites us to enter His world as He entered ours. Let us welcome Jesus with prayer, fasting, humility, silence, and joy with Him and with each other. Amen. - Fr Sam Wehbe
3rd Sunday of the Resurrection & Feast of St Joseph the Worker
Saturday 30 April 2022
Jesus himself came near and walked with them - Fr Sam Wehbe
On the third Sunday of the Resurrection, we reflect on the Lord Jesus appearing to the two disciples of Emmaus and walking with them. The two disciples were disappointed with what happened to Jesus so they decided to run away from Jerusalem and forget past memories with Him. Suddenly, Jesus appeared and walked with them towards Emmaus and started to explain to them the Books; they did not know Him until He broke the bread. Jesus did not stop them at the start, but walked with them in their journey and took his time with them to help them decide by themselves to change the direction and return to Jerusalem and proclaim the resurrection, the hope and the joy. As for us, we are called to be conscious that Christ is walking with us always. He is with us to help us when we experience difficulties, sorrow, or pain, poverty or injustice, injury or sickness, or problems, and He is with us also when are happy, strong, successful and in peace. The Lord asks us to use the same method with each other: To walk with each other and to accompany and help each other always.
Lord, accompany us in our journey, teach us and stay with us, and save us from our despair and weakness. Fill us with joy and help us to proclaim Your resurrection. Amen.